7 x 64” Full HD TV and Quadro – Sound (4.4)

If you visit this side you probably purchased one of my boxes from an artsurpise vending machine with the video of one of the directions of this installation.

The realisation of the Surround-Music-Video-Installation „THE TEMPLE“ failed til today, because it was not possible to find sponsoring for the monitors (TVs).
The original concept is for 64″ TVs and the resulting size inside would be about 420 cm.

If you want to help realize the project, here is a new idea.
I will try to realize the installation with 55″ TVs. The size inside would be about 360 cm, still big enough for a few people at the same time.

If you or someone you know intends to buy a new 55″ TV in the near future and you are willed to wait for 2 months to have your TV at home, we can try to get a better price, because we will buy several at a time.
The TVs will be part of the installation in an exhibition for 6 weeks. After this time you will get your TV.
I will publish your name, (company, …) as sponsor on if you want this.
Otherwise I will just publish „anonymus“.
As soon as there are 7 TVs „sponsored“ the exhibition will take place.

So please write me an email if you want to support this idea.

The size insidTHE_TEMPLE_Installation_smalle the installation would be about 360 cm.
The gap of the missing 8th monitor is used as entrance and exit of the installation.

Each monitor shows a part of 40° of a 360° image.
The distance between the 7 monitors is 5°.


There is a series of pictures made from the same formula but at different locations in the bulb.
They all have individual lightning and some have differnt textures. Here are slideshows with pictures of this series.


(klick to enlarge)



There is always one unique print in the original format
and a numbered edition of 6 prints in smaller sizes.
If you are interested to have my pictures and/or (music-)video works in an exhibition
or if you want to buy one of my pictures please contact me.

Come back to this side. It will be updated soon.