Fractal structures emerge in time. A fractal is recursive code, infinite self referencing code of the code. The code beyond the code is the code. The structure is the information of the code. The information of the code is eternal, beyond time.
The emerged form is equal to a breack of the infinite loop. Infinite time is stopped at a certain moment and the infinite structure is visible.
Iterating sqrt(2)_2 paper, glue [on:] 2020, 3D-fractal
The octahedron split in two halves on the midpoint of two opposing edges reveal the rhombic shape of the rhombic dodecahedron. A quarter tetrahedron attached to each left triangle side of the halfed octahedron form the same rhombic figure. The size of the original diamond is divided by √2.
The rhombic dodecahedron is a spacefilling body like the cube and is therefore used to distribute the principle of iterating √2 in space.
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